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A Great Big Colorado “Hey-O” To All My ARC Friends!

Welcome to our new website which we’ve designed to provide you with resources that will help you understand and practically engage the world as it really is in this season of historic and dramatic change, challenge, and opportunity. We’ll be adding content to the World News page daily, and other content on a weekly basis, so please keep coming back to check it out.

I truly believe that Jesus Christ, expressed through His Local Church, is the best hope for the world! (Eph. 3:10) My goal is to help ARC Churches be the best informed and the most strategically focused so together we can see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

Until All Have Heard…
Fred Markert
Director, YWAM Network for Strategic Initiatives

PRIVACY GUARANTEE: I am asking for your name, Church, and email address only in order to communicate with you directly with occasional, brief but critical, strategic updates as the world rapidly changes — and I’ll only do that if you Opt In after our initial Welcome email. You can Opt Out at any time. Your contact info will never be used or shared with anyone outside my Director’s Office, and we will never bother you with unwelcome emails or solicitations. That’s my promise.